Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blood Sugar Control - Can be done through food?

By Tjahyo Sukmono

We often hear the blood sugar? But what is meant by that blood sugar? High blood sugar is often defined as an increase in the level of glucose in the blood sugar, which can cause diabetes (glucosuria).

Blood sugar control, food can be done? There are several types of food can raise our blood sugar, but there are also some foods that can lower our blood sugar levels.

Some of these tips can help improve blood sugar control, so if we do can reduce the risk of diabetes.

· Eat the right foods and healthy. Avoid some fatty foods, otherwise multiply food fruits and vegetables that are loaded with fiber is good for the body.

· In the daily meals, than we eat three times in large portions, we'd better eat four or five times but in small portions to keep watching what we eat. This will affect our body's metabolism in digesting food, fat and protein solution in the body. All that can help improve our blood sugar control.

· Exercise is one way that can be done to improve blood sugar control. Sports adjusted to the conditions of our bodies, especially if you have any symptoms of diabetes or already convicted. The key is to do with the right portion.

· We know, so refreshing soft drink. But we know that actually in many soft drinks contain sugar that is high enough? Each 12-ounce soft drink equals 11 teaspoons of sugar. Therefore, avoid the consumption of soft drinks in large quantities in order our blood sugar control could be better.

· Several types of medicines can trigger blood sugar improvement. Therefore, if we need medication, careful carefully, whether the drug can cause our blood sugar increases. If necessary, consult with your doctor.

· If our blood sugar is high, we must find out why our blood sugar increases. Stress could be one reason our blood sugar increases. If that happens, then you need to change your lifestyle, your life pattern.

From the little information and tips, some things we can summarize is to avoid foods that contain lots of carbohydrates, because carbohydrates are converted into glucose which ultimately increases our blood sugar levels. Eat a small intake of carbohydrate content, such as fruits and vegetables, thus our blood sugar control, the better.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Things You Should Know About Recipes for Diabetics

By Tjahyo Sukmono

For people with diabetes, food becomes something that should really be noted. But with recipes for diabetics, you can plan all about what foods to eat without fear and when the right time snack.

With recipes for diabetics, you will get your favorite recipes. Some you can try in recipes for diabetics, such as cake and cookies recipes.

How much you need to change the recipes in diabetic recipes, especially for you as people with diabetes and who is in control weight?

In recipes for diabetes, foods such as corn, potatoes, and white flour products like fine noodles, pasta, should be reduced or avoided altogether. Food recipes with powdered sugar may not be suitable for diabetics. Avoid fat from animals, such as cheese, butter; instead use low-fat products or no fat.

The purpose of recipes for diabetes is to replace the sugar with a substitute, eliminate fat, except the olive oil, increasing fiber consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. For people with diabetes, the fish is a highly recommended food, because many contained therein DHA is good for health. For this type of vegetables, beans and legumes, and almost all kinds of good vegetables, like spinach, lettuce, celery.

Sugar Free in Recipes for Diabetics

We have a lot of foods that use the extra sugar, and this is not good for diabetics. To anticipate this, for people with diabetes can be replaced with a free sugar in recipes for diabetics. With recipes using sugar free foods you free with your favorite foods without worry with excess sugar. Some sugar substitutes on the market such as xylitol, aspartame and maltitol.

What we have learned about diabetes and what food is good and we must avoid, the diabetic food pyramid is one of the best approach in planning a healthy diet.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Diabetes Diagnosis: What’s next we do?

By Tjahyo Sukmono

Diabetics in the United States has reached 16 million more. Although diabetes is a serious disease, because it may mislead other complications of the disease, but still can be controlled.

Diabetes developed, so could threaten the endemic global health for a country, especially in developing countries and this may weaken the country economically.

If you are included in the risk of diabetes or pre-diabetes, you can get some tips to prevent it. Diabetes has the potential to increase the risk of heart disease and kidney failure. Some symptoms of diabetes are often thirsty, urinate a lot, quick weight loss and fatigue.

Maintaining ideal weight is one of the best ways to prevent diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, especially if your family have a history of diabetes.

For people in the early stages of diabetes is insulin resistance in the stage of the boundary identified blood sugar levels, diet and exercise can be done to prevent diabetes.

About one in three people with type 2 diabetes require insulin, and four to six people per 100 people with type 2 diabetes become dependent on dialysis treatment. The purpose of this treatment is to maintain blood pressure remains normal and keep blood sugar levels near normal.

Diabetes occurs because pancreas failed to produce enough insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. This is usually characterized by a very thirst and frequent urination. Watch out, because of diabetes, including serious illness, it is necessary to medical recommendations, especially if the sufferer is the children.

Natural Recommended

High fiber diet should be considered, because in addition to reducing the need for insulin the body will naturally also can reduce fat levels in the blood, thus reducing the risk of heart attack. Some high-fiber foods such as, spinach, cereals, almonds and baked beans.

Additional vitamins and minerals are also recommended by practitioners, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, Zinc, Manganese and Chromium. This is believed to avoid the complications associated with diabetes.

Traditionally, the herbalist, herbal medicine can also be used to suppress diabetes, such as garlic. Garlic is believed to help suppress the increase in blood sugar that can reduce the excessive production of urine in the kidneys.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Importance of Diabetes Exercise

By Tjahyo Sukmono

People with diabetes is condition where the body in problem of taking glucose from the blood and delivering glucose to the rest of the body. This condition similar called Diabetes mellitus.

There are two types of diabetes; Type 1 diabetes is known by the pancreas produce too little insulin or almost not and Type 2 diabetes is characterized by the cells not respond to insulin or pancreas not produce enough insulin to manage glucose levels.

It is important for diabetic before beginning an exercise program to consult with a doctor. For people with diabetes, do not miss the food well, especially if it will exercise.

Many functions of insulin in the body, but there are four main functions of insulin, especially when exercising or after exercising:

1. Keep of glucose release from the liver

2. Stimulation of glucose uptake into most cells of the body

3. Inhibition of the discharge of fatty acids from storage depots

4. Facilitation of protein synthesis in the body.

The decrease in blood insulin during exercise good common people who do not have diabetes or people with type 2 diabetes is possible from carbohydrates and fats, which in the mobilization and use by muscle.

Glucose body will process more quickly because the exercise we do and this will cause a decrease in blood sugar levels in the body.

The question is, whether the Diabetes Exercise fits in controlling diabetes?

1. Aerobic.

Aerobic exercise can increase heart rate and respiratory. With aerobic, people can breathe more easily and also makes the heart try harder. This exercise can be done at least 30 minutes per day and 5 days in 1 week.

Some examples of aerobic exercises that we can do them good brisk walk in the street or on a treadmill, swimming, dance classes, cycling and jogging.

2. Strength training.

Strength training can be done several times a week with the aim to strengthen the muscles and bones. This can be done by you can join the fitness center for weight training with the guidance of a trained instructor or you can practice at home with a light weight training.

3. Flexibility exercises

Flexibility exercises or stretching joints can be done to help reduce injury during our training.

Mild stretch between 10 to 15 minutes, it's good for our bodies as a warm-up before doing other exercises.

  1. Move throughout the day.

Be energetic, will assist your body in burning calories. Some things we can do is:

· When traveling in the distance is not too far, try walking, leave our car once.

· Take time to gardening, as a light exercise at home.

· Try to go up or down stairs, do not use the elevator.

· We went to the market, try to park our car a few hundred meters before, and walk to the market.

If you have diabetes either type 1 or type 2, this exercise is necessary. For people with diabetes, must exercise the right plan. In non-medical, exercise potential in controlling diabetes, which can reduce the severity and reduces risk in the long run.

For people with type 2 diabetes, exercise is very helpful in insulin sensitivity.

For people with blood vessel problems, blood pressure and eye problems, be careful with exercises that use heavy burden.

Diabetes Exercise can help control glucose metabolism and reduce body fat when accompanied by good nutrition.

Good nutrition and exercise can be beneficial in controlling diabetes. Exercise can improve fitness that can help prolong life because the quality of life that continues to increase month after month.

Now we know that exercise such as aerobics can improve insulin sensitivity and when balanced with proper nutrition can help restore normal glucose metabolism by reducing body fat.

Avoid exercising in very hot weather to prevent dehydration; we can drink a cup of cold water before and after exercise.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Diabetes Meal - Meal Planning for Diabetes

By Tjahyo Sukmono

Meal planning takes on a new significance for person with diabetes. Because food what you eat has a important effect on your health now and future. You can reduce type of foods that contribute to or get worse your diabetes with eating a suitable diet.

Path your food intake also your activity levels to see how its affect your blood sugar levels. This is one of the first things you can do it.

Your final goal is to develop a meal plan that ensures you regularly eat well-balanced meals on a standard schedule.

With doing path food intake and activity, you will help by controlling your blood sugar levels, fulfilling nutritional need, leveling your blood pressure, reducing your cholesterol and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Good meal plan, what is this?

More awareness should be paid by diabetic to reducing carbohydrates in their diet since these affect in blood sugar more than other foods.

You can read product label that you buy to see how many grams of carbohydrates are in serving. With this, limit your serving size for that food.

Carbohydrates come in form are:

  • Starchy vegetables like potatoes, beans, corn peas and others.
  • Dairy product likes ice cream, milk and yogurt.
  • Baked goods like cereals, bread and crackers.
  • Pasta, rice, grains
  • Fresh fruits, fruit juices and canned fruits.
  • Sugary foods like cake, soft drinks, pies, candy, cookies.

Food Exchange Method

Food exchange is one of technique that will help ensure to get adequate nutrition. The six exchange groups are:

  1. starches and breads
  2. meat and meat by-products
  3. milk
  4. fats
  5. fruits
  6. vegetables

You can exchange any food serving in one group for another.

For example, in category meat and meat by-product, you can switch one meat for non-fat cottage cheese or white skinless chicken or turkey.

Avoid the following foods:

Salt; Surplus salt can cause high blood pressure which damages blood vessels. Cheese, canned goods, soy sauce, fast foods are the foods that contain hidden and often high quantities of salt.

Sugar; Foods containing sugar usually contain huge quantities of fats and carbohydrates. To minimize your sugar and carbohydrates intake, simply keep our portion small.

Alcohol; Alcohol is one of you must avoid, because it can trigger a drop in blood sugar and cause hypoglycemia.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Diabetes Nutrition – Tips & Guides

By Tjahyo Sukmono

In a healthy person, the body produces a hormone that named insulin. Insulin for the normal function enables the body to process sugars and starchy foods into the energy that the body requires.

A man who experience from diabetes, insulin is not enough quantities produced.

Types of Diabetes

Type 1: also the system of body insulin insufficient quantities produced for the body to use. And Type 2: the system of body produce insulin, but for some reasons it is unable to use by the body.

As diabetes is a serious condition, the variety of nutrition a diabetic uses is very crucial.

Here is you will find some hints about nutrition for diabetics:

Food and Exercise

The best way to balance your nutrition is eating carbohydrates, proteins and fats at each mean. The main principle in diabetes nutrition is focus on fruits and vegetables in diet and stay away as much as possible from starchy foods.

Carbohydrates come in many forms, like bread, rice and dairy product. Many physicians recommend about 60 grams of carbohydrates that you eat at each meal.

You are need some protein also, that be found in beans, fish, cheese, meat and some vegetables. Fish pretense the slightest problems.

Several of these product are high in fat contain, so to minimize your fat intake, you can choose a few protein options that are ‘Low Fat’ like a low fat yogurt.

Discuss with your doctor, how much fats should be eating in your day, because this is will be help you to manage your weight.

You can ask your doctor, probably be able to recommend a good diabetic cookbooks that will help add assortment to your diet while making certain your diabetes nutrition needs are met.

Some exercises like walking, jogging can increase your healthy diabetes nutrition, if you can, make it routine in daily.

Here are some tips:

· Check your blood sugar frequently. You can closely manage your diabetes nutrition and check your blood sugar levels.

· Check-up with your doctor frequently. This way your doctor can check if you have the diabetes well run and if needed plant you on a different kind of diabetes nutrition.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Normal Range Blood Sugar Levels - Are Same For Everyone?

By Tjahyo Sukmono

Normal range blood sugar will be different one by one, depend on how much physical activity, what you have eaten and how long it has been as you have eaten.

For person without diabetes, blood sugar levels should be among 70 mg/dl to 100 mg/dl on an empty stomach. On the other hand, you still not measured a diabetic until blood sugar levels next during the night fasting are above 126mg/dl.

For example that your blood sugar level after an all night fast or an empty stomach about 115 mg/dl. You might assume that you’ve diabetes - as it is over the high range or “normal’ – but you don’t.

Fairly you have what named pre-diabetes or IFG (Impaired Fasting Glucose) and occasionally known as IGT (Impaired Glucose Tolerance).

Pre-diabetes is a condition that your normal range blood sugar is higher than should be about 70 mg/dl to 100 mg/dl but not yet high enough to be allowing for as diabetic. This is indicated that you still have chance that your blood sugar level can turn around.

When you diagnosed pre-diabetes, you are really a step ahead of many who previously live with diabetes and of course this conditions gives you a chance to try to lessen your risk of diabetes and completely reduce the risk.

You will first want to talk about with your doctor a plan of acts, like exercises plan, diets or home blood sugar tester. With those actions plan, your goal is to reduce the foods that are causing higher than normal range blood sugar in your system.

You are step ahead of relax by starting on exercising on regular base and diabetic diet right now. You can determine what foods and what activity are causing high a low blood sugar level by supervise your blood sugar levels on a daily base.

Lessen the activities and foods that increase your blood sugar.

You can note the activity and foods that lower your blood sugar, because you might need these in the future when your blood sugar levels lift up. Knowing this allows you to obviously lower your blood sugar and take control of your condition to better.

We know that normal range blood sugar levels will different one by one, it depend on what we eat, how long it has been as we have eaten, our age, and how much physical activity we are participating in.

This fact must to understand you as a diabetic and your doctor, because this is one of the main reasons you should record your activities, your food intake and your sugar levels.

You will quickly learn what your normal blood sugar range is and what you require to do to stay it there.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Scheming diabetes with Diabetic Diet Plan

By Tjahyo Sukmono

Diabetes is generally declared as a metabolic disorder. This is because it is anxious with processing the foods that we eat (or in the case of diabetes actuality clumsy to action the foods).

As glucose is captivated into the bloodstream from the aliment we consume, the hormone insulin is buried to facilitate the about-face of glucose to activity for the body's cells. In accomplishing this glucose akin in the blood reduces. This does not action in diabetics because the ache affects the activity of insulin.

The ache has three audible types - Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational diabetes. Type 1 is an autoimmune ataxia whereby the anatomy thinks the beta beef that actualize insulin are adverse and destroys them. Type 2 is an aftereffect of insulin attrition in the body's beef so that the anatomy does not acknowledge to insulin normally. Gestational diabetes is agnate to type 2, except it occurs in abundance and commonly stops afterwards pregnancy.

There are assorted means to amusement the altered types of diabetes but accepted to all is the use of an able diet to ascendancy the disease. This commodity will call the accepted guidelines for a diabetic diet plan.

Upon actuality diagnosed with diabetes, you should argue dietitians who will awning what type of aliment to eat and quantities to absorb based on your individual character, like age and sex. Once you accept this advice a diabetic diet plan is adequately accessible to formulate.

The best important basic of a diabetic diet is the carbohydrate intake. Complex carbohydrates are the best type to eat because they absolution sugar consistently over a best aeon of time. Keeping blood sugar levels connected avoids affection swings and is bigger for the body.

Eat vegetables and fruits. Fruits can accommodate some carbohydrates so be accurate to antithesis this out with your all-embracing carbohydrate intake.

Proteins should be captivated by anybody as they are all-important for the anatomy to build, adjustment and capital basic of beef as corpuscle proteins. Typical foods like fish, cheese, chicken and tofu are acceptable examples of protein that can be eaten. They should anatomy 15% of absolute calories per day in 2-3 servings.

Dairy articles like milk and yogurt are additionally an allotment of an accustomed diet. They accommodate calcium and vitamins like A and D. 2-3 confined per day are recommended.

No added than 20 - 30% of absolute calories should be from fats.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Diabetic Testing Supplies: What You Need?

By Tjahyo Sukmono

For diabetics, make sure they have readily available all the necessary diabetic testing supplies is one of difficult things.

Doctor will test their blood sugar at their appointment, it’s also seriously vital that you test your blood sugar often on a daily basis.

You will need a recommendation from your doctor, if you’re using insulin, in order for the insurance company. You will also need some different items in order to test often.

Insulin syringes - You will need the syringes to inject the medicine into your blood if you’re on insulin treatment. Because there are need different sized needles, they are covered below most insurance policies.

Alcohol swabs - Alcohol swab will kill the bacteria that are on your finger to guarantee a clean blood draw area. Even a little pinprick for the testing meter can be a cause for infection and infections in diabetics is a very serious trouble and can be potentially life threatening.

Alcohol swab can be found in any retail because it is very inexpensive; however they are often supplied with your testing tools.

Diabetic testing meter - With this is device, takes a drop of your blood and measures your blood sugar level. There are some different types of meters to choose from, and they provide portable diabetics testing meters, if you are on go a lot.

You will need a recommendation in arrange for your insurance company to cover the charges.

Diabetic testing strips - Diabetics testing strips are needed in combination with your diabetic testing meter. Each testing meter requires a specific testing strip, therefore it is important that you know which strips to purchase. This is important to understand.

Diabetic testing strips are expensive; they are not covered by insurance. In all cases your diabetic testing supplies should not be mishandled.

With the good diet and medicine, diabetes that is very serious disease can be controlled and managed.

In recent years, innovative companies have been developed to aid diabetics in getting their supplies. They exactly do everything from submitting the paperwork and billing, and then ship your complete diabetic testing supplies right to your door.

To assure that you receive the right supplies, make sure you used a nationally recognized company with a solid reputation.