By Tjahyo Sukmono
These are some diet that someone with diabetes should to try, because these are can maintain a healthy weight:
Low in salt - Limit your ingestion of salt, because it can increase your blood sugar levels.
· Low in sugar - You can put back white sugar with honey or palm sugar, if you want to have something sweet in your foods.
· Low in fats - Fats like olive oil and peanut oil are good in diabetes; you can try choosing them in your diet plan.
· High in fruit and vegetables - Fruits you can take apples, guava, kiwi fruit, citrus fruits and pomegranate juice.
Fruit juices, as these are much higher in carbohydrates than fresh fruit. For people with diabetes, suggested to drink fruit juice with a meal and avoid having more than one small glass a day, because fruit juice is high in fructose which can cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly.
Raw vegetables need to be taken in large quantity, as cooked food raises the level of blood sugar fast. Some herbs and vegetables are specifically prescribed for diabetes, like Bitter Gourd and bitter melon juice.
· High in starch of carbohydrates, such as rice, bread.
Beside that lists, diabetic suggested to avoid some there are listing below:
· Avoid cigarettes and alcohol; because these are most harmful substance can greatly affect your glucose level. You can try drinking tea. One tea is best that can help you to control your blood sugar levels is Green Tea.
· Avoid commercially packaged foods like chips, fast foods, ready-to-eat foods and snack.
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