By Tjahyo Sukmono
It is ultimately important for you as diabetic to have list of foods for diabetic to eat, because it just how difficult can be to determine what food you should or should not to eat.
Diabetic should avoid foods that extremely high in sodium and fats, avoid your intake of carbohydrates, either simple or refined. This might include items contain glucose, fructose or sucrose or items such as honey, sugar, white bread, and sweets.
It is also suggested that you limit your intake of alcohol because drinking heavily could lead to a greater heart disease risk, as well as liver damage.
Here is a list of foods for diabetic to eat:
1. Certainly you include starches – While white bread or white rice can be bad for your diabetes, you still want to certain that you include plenty of starches in your daily diet. This should be cereal, vegetables, grains, pasta, and breads.
2. Vegetables – Vegetables are essential to diabetic, any diet or else. Vegetables provide a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Some of good vegetables for your diet include broccoli, tomatoes, green beans, carrots and peppers.
3. Fruits – Fruits also provide vitamins, minerals and fibers. You should include two to four servings of fruits such as apples, mango, oranges, fruit juice, bananas, raisins, and grapefruit each day, depending on your calorie count.
4. Meats – Meats should only be eaten in moderation. This category includes all red meat and poultry, as well as eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, peanut butter, tofu and fish.
5. Milk – Milk is source of critical elements that your body needs. These are like low fat milk and yogurt.
While dealing with your diabetes, is the best way to lose weight and maintain a healthier lifestyle at the same time besides knowing what you should and should not eat.
I hope this information about diabetic foods can help you on your journey to monitoring your diabetes.
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