By Tjahyo Sukmono
What are normal blood sugar levels? Blood sugar levels called normal if it between 70 mg/dl to 100mg/dl (blood sugar level after not eating for 8 hour).
Blood sugar levels should not be above 100 at any given time, a level of 100 - 199 suggests pre-diabetes.
A level over 200 suggests that you have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.
How to Maintain
There are several steps to reduce your blood sugar levels. Try the following if you are interested in more normal blood sugar levels.
1. Eating the right foods
It is the best way to generate a healthy glucose levels for a diabetic. A good diabetic diet is one that has low-carbohydrate count. To decreasing levels of blood sugar, one of the famous ways is Low Carbohydrates Diet.
Immediately stop intake of any form of carbohydrates and sugar. Begin slowly lowering your carbohydrate intake. Check out your diabetic recipes page for some delicious low carbohydrates meals also.
2. Eat small portions of meals.
This is may help you to reduce sugar level if you eating meals of small portion than three big meals during the day. Because foods high in glucose will release too much sugar in your bloodstream, make sure to add foods that are low in glucose.
3. Test your blood sugar more frequently.
The blood sugar readings are very important to helping understand if the insulin amounts are correct or not.
4. Just drink plain water, no beer, no alcohol, no caffeine.
You can try drinking tea. Drinking unsweetened tea helps you control normal glucose levels in blood because it acts as a blocker for sugar. One type of tea that is best in generating lower your blood sugar level after having eaten foods that are high in sugar is Green Tea.
Stop snacking and limit yourself to three meals per days. Snacking is habitual and can easily be broken down.
5. Exercise.
Exercise help losing weight that can help you to minimize your medication requirements to handle you diabetes.
Any forms of exercise that can help you to control blood sugar normal range are housework, brisk walking and lawn-mowing.
6. Good sleep.
Good sleep can help you avoids stress that occurs when the body tissues aren’t given substantive oxygen beside can helps your system control body hormones. And then a good sleep can help you to control blood sugar and help to regulate your general health.
For this fact, is possible normal blood sugar level for diabetic?
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