Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Diet for Diabetes: Info & Simple Effective Diet Plans

By Tjahyo Sukmono

Your diet is very, very important when being a diabetic. Diabetics need a special diet, which diet for diabetes depending to sex, style and body weight, physical activity of thought person and type of diabetes.

We knew which named Glycemic Index (GI) that is calculating as to how a certain food may quickly point your blood sugar. As you a diabetic, range of GI should attach to the low to middle.

Individual must give close attention to a diabetic’s nutritional need within each diet for diabetes because these may change depending upon their growth, age, lifestyle or pregnancy.

Protein – In diet for diabetes, protein should account for 20% to 25%. Protein is on the low end of this index. As a substitute, you may be used whey protein powder.

Carbohydrates – In daily intake of a diet for diabetes, carbohydrates keep within a range 40% to 60%. As with lower carbohydrates intake, you can lower your blood sugar levels. At the management of blood sugar levels in diabetics, carbohydrates are essential part.

Fats – You can try to attach to polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat when monitoring your fats intake, because unsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats and trans-fats. Unsaturated fats also lower the chances of canceling out the benefits of a higher carbohydrates diet.

When you are eating and you beg for the nutritional information on the food, you can check the labels on the food you buy. This is easiest way to check all these values on the food they serve.

In general, diet for diabetes with less than 5 grams of grabs and 20 calories per serving.

Sugar was once attention to be completely excluded from a diet for diabetes. All carbohydrates in use into the body is converted into sugar or glucose, so food lower in sugar are still better than but does not mean you can eat extra serving of carbohydrates either.

Best alternative is moderation during the day and eaten with nutritional foods at the same time containing proteins, vitamins or minerals.

Diet for Diabetes information

The importance of diet for diabetes for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic cannot be showy.

A good doctor usually will be the primary tips of information and reference for they diabetes care and management, he will also to refer patients to licensed nutritionist who is skilled at helping create a diet for diabetes that is individualized to all of patients.

Controlling blood sugar levels is the most important aspect of this type.

If you looking for dietary information for the diabetics, The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has a website that is full information about it, also you can find the Diabetic Food Pyramid.

The Diabetic Food Pyramid is much like the usual food pyramid most people are familiar, but this based on which are the better alternative and the daily amounts a diabetic should be eating.

If diabetics successfully manage and live with their condition it is something they must do, a diet for diabetes is a drastic change for most of people diagnosed with this disease.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cures for Diabetes: Natural & Safe method to Control Diabetes

By Tjahyo Sukmono

Millions of people world wide deal with diabetes. “There is no cure for diabetes”, this will tell you by most physicians. However, many persons suppose there are natural cures for their diabetes.

Since the pancreas does not produce the needed amount of insulin which is a hormone that naturally turns sugar to energy, there is diabetes disease occurs.

Many diabetes natural cures can help to control the symptoms of diabetes and these are can be added to a healthy diet.

Healthy Diet in Diabetes Disease

Change in life style…yes, this is the most important diabetes natural cure.

Learning to eat the correct portions, eating a variety of foods, these are several most important aspects of your healthy. Because with these, you can do better to control your portion sizes that is helps your body to produce the needed energy.

Here are some customs diets you can try, these can help you to decrease the symptoms of diabetes or prevent it:

Whole grain – whole grain such as wheat rice, wheat breads, and wheat pasta help you to decrease the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. (Carbohydrates are needed to help your body produce energy; carbohydrates turn to sugar in your body too)

Omega 3 fatty acids contained at your foods can help you to provide your body with “high-quality” fats.

Fresh fruits and vegetables – any healthy diet should include loads of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. From fresh fruits and vegetables you can get natural sugars also.

To help you to control the symptoms of diabetes more of physicians will recommend medications. But before you actions with these treatments, you should discuss with your physicians about side effect of medications.

Here is some popular natural cure for diabetes:

  • Ginseng – ginseng can to help control blood sugar levels
  • Cinnamon – cinnamon can help to control blood glucose levels too
  • Chromium – it helps the body’s cells correctly respond to insulin
  • Zinc – zinc can helps in the production and storage of insulin.
  • Magnesium – magnesium can help control blood sugar levels. Low magnesium levels can degenerate the symptoms of diabetes.
  • Gymnema Sylvestre – it helps the pancreas to produce insulin and help insulin to lower blood sugar levels

For all of those, exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet is the most effective cure for diabetes.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Diabetes Supplies Plus

By Tjahyo Sukmono

A number of tools have been developed to check your blood sugar levels. Tool used to be that usual blood tests were the only way to check sugar level, but an advance tools can help to check your sugar level anytime and anywhere.

Now self-test kits are available in stores and come in form of test strips and blood glucose meters. Direction of use this tool we just put a drop of blood on the test strip and then put this strip into blood glucose meters.

The cost of the individual unit about $65 to $70 may vary according to the brand. You have various options when buying blood glucose meters.

One of supplies has a built-in memory to help monitor your sugar levels overtime and one else have a siphon action test strip, which helps in getting the blood onto the strip.

In arrange to help you take your insulin dosage there are a number of insulin delivery systems, like insulin infusers, insulin pumps, jet injectors, pen injectors, and the normal syringe.

And remember, you should check your strips and meter accurately before used and be sure to read the manual accompanying the unit.

Diabetes Supplies: What to know about it

Since people being diagnosed with diabetes, it does not automatically indicate a radical change in lifestyle, but simply an adaptation.

Diabetes supplies like needles, syringes, lancets, testing strips, some style of blood glucose meter and some basics include insulin must be refrigerated to keep those be good.

One of diabetes supplies must-have in list is a blood glucose meter. With this tool, we can read the glucose levels in a drop of blood that is applied on test strip. Insulin is immediately one of many diabetes supplies that you'll need a recommendation for.

To know your glucose levels, a drop of blood is placed on a test strip and then inserted into the blood glucose meter.

Now, Medicare is making probable to receive diabetes supplies to many diabetics, and many supply companies and pharmacies will dispose for delivery of diabetes supplies right to you.

Diabetes supplies present a wide range of needle size that make self-injecting painless, if you are required to get insulin injection.

You can found the size of diabetes supplies through equipment companies and medical supply and it can be reached by local phone book or on the internet, so waiting for diabetes supplies shouldn’t slow you down.

How Can You Get Free Diabetes Supplies?

The payment of uncontrolled blood glucose levels and linked complications is much higher than the price label of diabetes supplies.

People are covered by diabetes service companies can benefit of free diabetes supplies, because most diabetes service companies are affiliated with health insurance companies now.

Now, the question is: How do you get free diabetes supplies?

Today, many medical supplies providers those are able to give you free diabetes supplies, as long as you are covered under an insurance policy, preferably a billable insurance policy.

You can choose to apply for programs online. Commonly when applying online, the company will send you documents to fill out, and if you are accepted, you will be able to receive your diabetes supplies for free. Although helpful, do these types of providers help diabetics without insurance?

If you not covered insurance, the best way you can do is go to the doctor that diagnosed you with diabetes, or the center that you went to when you were diagnosed.

One time covered, you need to find medical supply companies that supply to free or low cost diabetes supplies, such blood glucose meters.

Then, what are the diabetes medical supplies you can gain for free?

· Blood Glucose Meters - Most of them provided that are digitally displayed on a small screen in either whole blood or plasma equivalent results. Blood glucose meters come in all shapes and sizes. Most free blood glucose meters comes with a separate lancing pen, while others integrated into the monitoring itself. Lancing devices can be given separately for free.

· Lancets - You represent blood for testing with a lancet, which is a small, fine needle. Lancets are available in different gauges; high-gauge lancets might also be preferable for children.

· Test Strips - Free diabetes supplies for example test strips are safe to use.

Keep in mind that free diabetes supplies are most important to your life.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Diabetic Foods: Tips and Guide

By Tjahyo Sukmono

It is ultimately important for you as diabetic to have list of foods for diabetic to eat, because it just how difficult can be to determine what food you should or should not to eat.

Diabetic should avoid foods that extremely high in sodium and fats, avoid your intake of carbohydrates, either simple or refined. This might include items contain glucose, fructose or sucrose or items such as honey, sugar, white bread, and sweets.

It is also suggested that you limit your intake of alcohol because drinking heavily could lead to a greater heart disease risk, as well as liver damage.

Here is a list of foods for diabetic to eat:

1. Certainly you include starches – While white bread or white rice can be bad for your diabetes, you still want to certain that you include plenty of starches in your daily diet. This should be cereal, vegetables, grains, pasta, and breads.

2. Vegetables – Vegetables are essential to diabetic, any diet or else. Vegetables provide a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Some of good vegetables for your diet include broccoli, tomatoes, green beans, carrots and peppers.

3. Fruits – Fruits also provide vitamins, minerals and fibers. You should include two to four servings of fruits such as apples, mango, oranges, fruit juice, bananas, raisins, and grapefruit each day, depending on your calorie count.

4. Meats – Meats should only be eaten in moderation. This category includes all red meat and poultry, as well as eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, peanut butter, tofu and fish.

5. Milk – Milk is source of critical elements that your body needs. These are like low fat milk and yogurt.

While dealing with your diabetes, is the best way to lose weight and maintain a healthier lifestyle at the same time besides knowing what you should and should not eat.

I hope this information about diabetic foods can help you on your journey to monitoring your diabetes.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Are Possible Normal Blood Sugar Levels for a Diabetic?

By Tjahyo Sukmono

What are normal blood sugar levels? Blood sugar levels called normal if it between 70 mg/dl to 100mg/dl (blood sugar level after not eating for 8 hour).

Blood sugar levels should not be above 100 at any given time, a level of 100 - 199 suggests pre-diabetes.

A level over 200 suggests that you have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.

How to Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels?

There are several steps to reduce your blood sugar levels. Try the following if you are interested in more normal blood sugar levels.

1. Eating the right foods

It is the best way to generate a healthy glucose levels for a diabetic. A good diabetic diet is one that has low-carbohydrate count. To decreasing levels of blood sugar, one of the famous ways is Low Carbohydrates Diet.

Immediately stop intake of any form of carbohydrates and sugar. Begin slowly lowering your carbohydrate intake. Check out your diabetic recipes page for some delicious low carbohydrates meals also.

2. Eat small portions of meals.

This is may help you to reduce sugar level if you eating meals of small portion than three big meals during the day. Because foods high in glucose will release too much sugar in your bloodstream, make sure to add foods that are low in glucose.

3. Test your blood sugar more frequently.

The blood sugar readings are very important to helping understand if the insulin amounts are correct or not.

4. Just drink plain water, no beer, no alcohol, no caffeine.

You can try drinking tea. Drinking unsweetened tea helps you control normal glucose levels in blood because it acts as a blocker for sugar. One type of tea that is best in generating lower your blood sugar level after having eaten foods that are high in sugar is Green Tea.

Stop snacking and limit yourself to three meals per days. Snacking is habitual and can easily be broken down.

5. Exercise.

Exercise help losing weight that can help you to minimize your medication requirements to handle you diabetes.

Any forms of exercise that can help you to control blood sugar normal range are housework, brisk walking and lawn-mowing.

6. Good sleep.

Good sleep can help you avoids stress that occurs when the body tissues aren’t given substantive oxygen beside can helps your system control body hormones. And then a good sleep can help you to control blood sugar and help to regulate your general health.

For this fact, is possible normal blood sugar level for diabetic?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Health Diabetes - Nutrition & Vitamin for Diabetes

By Tjahyo Sukmono

If you a diabetic, your diet health do more than keep your blood sugar under control, it keeps your healthy and well.

However, diet health is not something you are known because you have diabetes; it is obtained by the choices you make.

Everyone needs to stay perfectly healthy, including those are with diabetes with a diet full of organic fruits, nuts, vegetables and one hour of hard exercise everyday.

These are suggesting if you would like the diet broken down for you, you should get:

· 40% of daily calories from protein like beans, nuts, and meat.

· 30% of daily calories from complex carbohydrates like fruit, vegetables and oats.

· 30% of daily calories from fats like meat and dairy product.

A diet higher in protein is suggested to most people with diabetes are overweight witch. You may eat more carbohydrates than protein if you have Type 1 diabetes and aren’t overweight.

Many doctors will say that a little sugar is not necessarily a bad thing when it comes to a diabetes diet, but too much sugar can become a problem pretty quickly.

Diabetes nutrition consists of keeping foods high in fat and sugar to a minimum for both weight control and nutritional considerations. Stay away from all processed foods; they have no nutritional content whatsoever.

Vitamins: Which are help in Diabetes?

Receiving the right vitamins is a big necessity for diabetes sufferers. These are vitamins that needed which can be found in supplements:

· Vitamin C – People with Type 2 diabetes usually have low vitamin C levels. You should supplement vitamin C in your diet with around 2 grams every day.

· Vitamin E – Diabetic much higher need for vitamin E as it improves insulin activity.

· Vitamin B12 – This vitamin needed for normal functioning of nerve cells in our body.

· Vitamin B6 – Vitamin B6 can improve glucose levels in women with diabetes caused by pregnancy.

· Biotin – This needed to process glucose in diabetics, it may also reduce pain from diabetic nerve damage.

Other vitamin that diabetic should be taking: Magnesium, Zinc and Potassium.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Diabetes Foods: What can I eat and Avoid

By Tjahyo Sukmono

These are some diet that someone with diabetes should to try, because these are can maintain a healthy weight:


Low in salt - Limit your ingestion of salt, because it can increase your blood sugar levels.

· Low in sugar - You can put back white sugar with honey or palm sugar, if you want to have something sweet in your foods.

· Low in fats - Fats like olive oil and peanut oil are good in diabetes; you can try choosing them in your diet plan.

· High in fruit and vegetables - Fruits you can take apples, guava, kiwi fruit, citrus fruits and pomegranate juice.

Fruit juices, as these are much higher in carbohydrates than fresh fruit. For people with diabetes, suggested to drink fruit juice with a meal and avoid having more than one small glass a day, because fruit juice is high in fructose which can cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly.

Raw vegetables need to be taken in large quantity, as cooked food raises the level of blood sugar fast. Some herbs and vegetables are specifically prescribed for diabetes, like Bitter Gourd and bitter melon juice.

· High in starch of carbohydrates, such as rice, bread.

Beside that lists, diabetic suggested to avoid some there are listing below:

· Avoid cigarettes and alcohol; because these are most harmful substance can greatly affect your glucose level. You can try drinking tea. One tea is best that can help you to control your blood sugar levels is Green Tea.

· Avoid commercially packaged foods like chips, fast foods, ready-to-eat foods and snack.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Diabetes and Insulin Overview

By Tjahyo Sukmono

When body does not manufacture enough amounts of insulin or does not properly use insulin, this condition named Diabetes.

If our bodies became insensitive to insulin, type 2 diabetes resulted. This cause our blood sugar goes out of balance. We knew that vitamins, minerals, various herbs and foods can support insulin sensitivity and its help maintain proper blood sugar levels.

One of herb well known helpful in blood sugar control by controlling sugar craving and nourishing the pancreas is Gymnema sylvestre.

Exercise also improving insulin sensitivity and help us to control weight and reduce body fat. Besides improving insulin sensitivity, exercise helps us to control our weight and reduce body fat, because weight control is very important aspect in maintaining insulin sensitivity.

Healthful diet is another important factor in maintaining proper insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels. The healthy fats contained in olive oil and fish help us to maintain insulin sensitivity.

Those methods we knew really helpful in promoting lower blood sugar level, maintaining insulin sensitivity and avoiding the complications associated with diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and results from insulin resistance. Type 1 diabetes is also known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes. Type 1 and type 2 both are primary problems are the glucose/sugar levels of the body are too high.

In healthy person, a hormone called insulin produced in the pancreas by the beta cells in response to sugar in the blood.

A person with Type 1 diabetes can not make enough or any insulin. "Why doesn't the body produce insulin?"

In Type 1 diabetes the offender is the immune system. Instead of viewing the beta cells of the pancreas as "self", the immune system sees the beta cells as foreign invaders.

Doing what it's supposed to do, which is attack and destroy invading cells, the immune system in error attacks the beta cells. The speed at which the immune system attacks and destroys is too fast for the pancreas to keep out although other beta cells can be produced by pancreas.

In the end the amount of insulin produced in response to sugar in the blood is diminished, this result is high blood sugar.

Insulin shots can control the disease, however, there are currently treatments being studied which may in fact stop the immune system from attacking itself which would brings about a natural arrest to the problem.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Diabetes Glucose Level: Tips & Info

By Tjahyo Sukmono

Source of energy of the body is the body’s main sugar or serum glucose level. Glucose in your blood was manufactured from the food that you eat, and cells get their energy from it.

When someone diagnosed diabetes, the most common tests that depends highly on are glucose level test. Two major glucose level tests to sure a person really has diabetes that can do are:

The Fasting Blood Glucose Level - This is a complete fast. Someone really diabetic when test result shows a value beyond 140 mg/dl and after two tests, result is same.

The Oral Glucose Tolerance Test - when doing this test, the patient is asked to avoid doing from drinking water for at least 10 hours before the actual test.

First, blood is extracted from the patient and then he is asked to drink glucose cola. This high-sugar drink frequently has 75 grams of glucose in it (for your info, pregnant women, 100 grams is required).

By reading glucose level, doctor will be able to tell if he has diabetes or not.

These tests are generally performed to check for the blood’s current glucose level, but also can to check if the person has diabetes or not.

One time you are diagnosed with diabetes, your main goal should be to keep your blood glucose at a normal level.

Use glucose meter, this is one of best way to monitor your blood glucose level. This is the so-called SMBG or self-monitoring of blood glucose. You can help maintaining the normal level of your blood sugar too aside to monitor your blood sugar.

These are some basic tips that could supply as your guideline in maintaining a normal blood sugar level:

1. Make sure that you take your medications and stick to your diet program. Discuss to your doctor about these things. If you can insist on some foods that you really want and are nutritious and allowable, then go for it.

2. Avoid alcohol beverages as well, stop consumption of cigarettes and beverages that have caffeine like coffee, tea and some soft drinks. Because these are most harmful substance can greatly affect your glucose level.

3. Get exercise such as walking. Caution: Do not engage in any form of exercise program without consulting your doctor first.

4. Learn to relax. If you can, enroll in meditation classes, then you can do some meditations at home or listen to calming music. And, of course, the best form of relaxation is – sleep. Take the arranged 8 hours of sleep for adults.

5. Limit your ingestion of salt. Remember that your blood sugar is an essential part of your system.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Diabetes Test - Blood Test Results & How to Check Blood Sugar Level Yourself

By Tjahyo Sukmono

Diabetes occurs when a body produces higher levels of sugar within the bloodstream. The body loses its ability of breakdown excess sugars by itself.

Get diabetes test done, if you think might have diabetes, or it runs in your family. The best test is a blood workup.

Doctors do diabetes test to make sure when he first presume that someone has diabetes. One of these tests is a glucose test. Sometimes the tests are not decisive.

The best way to determine diabetes is by the glucose in the blood if diabetes is concerned. The test should always be given twice and glucose level should be above 140 mg/dl.

Besides the drawing of blood another diabetes test is a tolerance test which tests oral glucose.

If you do not go after this basic rule then the diabetes test could be off and ruin the results. The diabetes test is then repeated several more times.

You should steer clear from cigarettes and coffee before doing any diabetes test. The glucose tolerance test measures your glucose levels within a three-hour period. It breaks down to about five separate diabetes tests in the course of that time frame.

A person who drinks the sugar water will experience a raise five times in glucose level, and then it will fall very rapidly. Impotency can be found with Type 2 diabetes.

So diabetes test is important to be tested when some of these symptoms arise, especially if diabetes runs in their family.

Diabetes - How to Check Blood Sugar Level Yourself?

To test your blood sugar level yourself, these are two easy methods:
• Finger-stick method
• Noninvasive method


For checking blood sugar level involves pricking your finger with a tiny needle (lancet) to draw a drop of blood. Some draw the blood from your forearm.

You can use a blood glucose meter that will show the number on its screen to reading your blood sugar level.

To check your diabetes through finger stick method, follow these simple steps:

Steps 1 - Wash your hands with warm water and dry well with a clean towel. You can also use an alcohol wipe to clean the finger that you'll draw blood from. This helps blood pond in the finger, making it easier to get enough blood for the test.

Step 2 - After preparing your lancet and glucose meter, have a clean test strip ready. Attach the side of your fingertip with the lancet. There are many kinds of lancets and meters. Some draw blood from your forearm.

Step 3 -Put a drop of blood on the test strip.

Step 4 - Follow the directions that came with your blood sugar meter to get your results.
These records can help you to see how well you're managing your blood sugar level and mostly doctors will used it.


Any other blood sugar testing tool does not draw blood. The watch can't replace your regular finger-stick test. There are some guidelines to check your diabetes with noninvasive method.

General guidelines for checking your blood sugar level are adjust the device by entering a blood sugar measurement that you've gotten by the finger-stick method every time you use the watch.

Monday, September 14, 2009

5 Tips to Control Blood Sugar without Medicine

By Tjahyo Sukmono

Many diabetics established control their life only done by regularly taking their medicine. It is mean to control blood sugar. But did we know that we can control spiraling blood sugar without relying solely on diabetes medication, such as insulin.

Research on diabetes has shown that there are convinced incidences of diabetes that are harder and harder to regulate with the usual variety of treatments. Plenty of methods that you can try to make this happen for you.

Because of this condition, there is a need to lower blood sugar naturally- and there are condition your body (how healthy you are) and your diet (what you have been eating all these years) totally influence your diabetes sugar level.

People would not know how to modify current diet because often the diabetic has not been informed completely would not be able to estimate the general status their health.

The following may be done to get normal blood glucose levels.

1. Exercise more – it is more needed to increase your physical activity.

2. Eat less saturated fat – avoid all foods with saturated fat constituents.

The effort fails because you might suffer from complications of diabetes mellitus- the deadly ones always affect the heart.

3. Eat organic – you would be raising your blood sugar levels, less junk food and processed foods you consumed. Start cooking at home with your recipes, start enjoying organic food more and watch your blood sugar go down. Believe it, because this is basic fact.

4. No soft drinks – these are one of the leading causes of diabetes as its inception, and it still is today, because soft drinks are packed with sugar with every gulp.

5. Yes to natural fruit juices – Why not try natural fruit juice instead? If you still want your small doses of sugar and yet you have decided not to drink soft drinks. You can try different recipes for cocktail or you can simply taste it cold while reading your favorite book or listening to your favorite composers or your favorite Mp3. This is also safe for insulin dependent diabetics.

These are only some of the ways that you possibly able to control blood sugar.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Diabetes Cure - Natural Cures for Diabetes Disease

By Tjahyo Sukmono

Most of people believe that there no such thing as a cure for diabetes. Cures just reduce the symptoms, but people who had diabetes which now cured using Natural form of treatment disagree.

They believe that curing from Natural food that they eat, in general is treating whole body and spirit that will eventually cure the disease.

One of the Natural Treatments is:
Acupressure, many people reported to be cured or decrease the severity of many sicknesses that they have undergoing acupressure. Acupressure involves stimulating different pressure points in the body to improve and normalize a person's health.

You’re still advised to speak to license the medical doctor before undergoing this type of non conventional healing program.

If you are considering Acupressure as a treatment, it should be done only by a practitioner.

I propose you educate yourself about acupressure, before you start your healing and medical process. Get some books or internet and learn about it. Educate yourself first, because you need to be mentally prepared and comfortable about the treatment.

You need to know which the points that apply to diabetes are; since we know that acupressure is applying pressure on specific point in your body.

When using acupressure method as treatment for diabetes, we have never heard of any side effects. There have been good results with this healing and no side effects reported so even if it does not cure your diabetes it will at least get better your health at a minimum.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Diabetic Recipes Tips & Guide

By Tjahyo Sukmono

What should I eat? Because I am diabetic, what should I fit in my diabetic recipe? What really should be fit in a diabetic recipe will be jotted down. So, to know the essential ingredients of the diabetic recipe be a very, very important.

One man and another might not same in the prime goal, for some diabetic might be lowering down the fat content and for some other might be essential that he should lower down his calories intake.

You must know the constituents of diabetic recipes, whatever you eat.

To managing the diabetic recipes, here are few tips:

· Put in only plain potatoes, for topping; add with very small amount of margarine or some low calorie topping.

· Avoid all fried foods

Secrets to Finding the Best Diabetic Recipes for You

Here is! Great recipes that offer delicious, healthy meal option for diabetics that can whole family will enjoy. Please check it.

What to look for in Great Diabetic Recipes


A variety of recipes will provided with choice for each meal will offered Great diabetic recipes or diabetic recipes sites.

Nutritional Dietary Information

The nutritional information for the finished meal should provide in good diabetic recipe. The important things to watch are:

· Carbohydrates

· Sugar

· Saturated Fat

For your daily intake, the content of the above per serving should be less than 20% or 7 to 9 grams.

Diabetic Holiday or Specialty Recipes

The best diabetic recipe sites will provide holiday diabetic recipes or special event recipes.

There are great Diabetic Thanksgiving Recipes or Christmas Diabetic Recipes that make Holiday cooking for diabetics a healthy event.

Key to overall health is maintaining health eating during the Holiday meal and special events.

Tools for Managing Diabetes

Good diabetic recipe sites will also provide information or links to tools that aid diabetics in successfully managing their diabetes; include books, references, cooking tools, recipes, knowledgeable resources, etc.

Diabetic Recipes to Stay Away From

We must use common sense when we selecting diabetic recipes. Things to watch out for recipes:

· Sugar or sugary ingredients,

· Canned fruits or preserves,

· Anything with "candied" in the title of the recipe.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Symptoms of Diabetes Tips

By Tjahyo Sukmono

A complex metabolic disorder that characterized by presence of high blood sugar level is Diabetes. An exciting option is a symptom of diabetes natural treatment.

Depend on the basis; diabetes can be generally classified in three categories that include Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes. Signs and symptoms of diabetes are almost common in all these forms.

Fascinatingly, a symptom of diabetes natural treatment is useful in reversing diabetes of any form.

Pranic Healing - This is one of the most spiritualist forms of treatment where the natural healing process present naturally inside the body is activated. Retract the mechanism is doing of this treatment.

Yogasanas – One of the earliest forms of symptoms diabetes natural treatment that is not directly based on pranic healing.

Balanced Diet Pattern – Type of food being consumed and the time at which to consumed is be concerned in this treatment. Even product for plants are essential symptoms diabetes natural treatment.

Type 2 – Type 2 diabetes if cells on their surface have insulin receptors through which insulin attaches to the cells and signal glucose absorption.
Gestational Diabetes – In several ways this forms of diabetes is similar to type 2 condition.

Rare Form – A different form of diabetes that appears usually in children is juvenile diabetes, a congenital disorder that occurs due to mutations and genetic irregularities.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Diabetic Diet Tips

By Tjahyo Sukmono

Obesity or overweight can cause diabetes to most of people. A diabetic diet plan plays a vital function in treatment. Increase the more weight you put, actually your risk getting the disease.

Diabetic diet plan can be controlling your condition and that is can be the key to reducing the risk as well as improving your symptoms if you’re already affected this disease which people often refer to as “the silent killer”.

Everyone knows that maintain a good program when eating is a healthy choice for every person. This statement for diabetes patients means something more significant than the recent fad over healthy living.

For diabetes patients, having a healthy diet means eating in method that reduce the risk for complications that are commonly linked with diabetes, like stroke and heart disease.

Healthy consumption involves eating a wide variety of foods; include whole grains, fruits, beans, vegetables, non fat dairy product, poultry and fish.

6 Tips on Preparing a Diabetic Diet and Meal Plan

1. The first thing you need to do when you go on diabetic diet is to prepare a meal plan. This plan will be your guide, how much and what kinds of food you can choose to eat even snack time if you wish include that.

2. And then, make sure that your diabetic diet plan fits in your schedule and eating behavior. To keep your blood glucose in level that are easy enough to maintain, try to keep in your end-goal of a diabetic diet plan.

3. In addition to that somewhat myopic diet goal for diabetes, you as well want to follow a meal plan that will help you get better your blood pressure and cholesterol levels in addition to keep your weight on track.

4. So, many factors that contribute to the decline of diabetes symptoms are cholesterol, blood pressure and weight. Make sure you controlling them could very well mean controlling your diabetic problem.

5. Make sure to balance uptake and down take – that’s food and exercise respectively, when preparing a diabetic diet plan. To help you to manage your condition, furthermore, your doctor may have setting you with insulin or oral medication.

6. Make sure that the food is balanced with the drug if you take those medication into your report as well when you plan your meal plan.

And now, you can start building a diabetic diet and meal plan that is the best for you and your condition.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Most Popular Diabetes Symptoms

By Tjahyo Sukmono

Diabetes is a disease that affects many Americans today and that is important diagnosed as early as possible. The earlier disease is diagnosed, the easier disease to treat.

For this reason, the diabetes symptom is important that you know. And you can quickly get the help that you need to fight this disease, if you dealing with any these symptoms.

Extreme Thirst

Extreme thirst is one of main symptoms of diabetes that you may experience. This is a common symptom, whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. When it came to, although you are drinking more of water than you usually do, you may feel like not able to drink enough.

When you have diabetes, the body takes stock of water from blood; it means you became dehydrated quickly, although you have to drink a lot more.

Weakness or Fatigue

Weakness or fatigue or both, can end up being symptom of diabetes also. You don’t get the energy that your body needs, because glucose isn’t being used by your body cells.

Glucose just stays in the blood, this makes your cells assume they famished for energy and then your body feel very tired.

Frequent Urination

Other symptoms of diabetes that you may experience, you will find frequent urination. You can finish up going to the bathroom more than normal, when you over glucose in your blood stream.

Because glucose can’t deal with kidney, they take more water to dilute it. This is caused you going to bathroom on regular basis.

Numbness and Tingling in Extremities

This is a symptom that happens in people with diabetes, but it occurs some times.

Nervous system can be damage in the end all the glucose in the blood stream. This especially affects the extremities, such as the feet, legs, and the hands. You may experience tingling in these areas or numbness.

You may see these symptoms get better, when you better control your blood sugar, such as with good diabetes diet.

Yes, these are a few of diabetes symptoms that can occur. Others symptoms of diabetes that can occur as well, such as dry skin, itchy, bruising, lot of infection or taking along time to heal. Blurry vision can even be a symptom too.

Something like exercising, good diabetes diet and any medications provided by your doctor can help to improve many of these symptoms.