By Tjahyo Sukmono
People with diabetes is condition where the body in problem of taking glucose from the blood and delivering glucose to the rest of the body. This condition similar called Diabetes mellitus.
There are two types of diabetes; Type 1 diabetes is known by the pancreas produce too little insulin or almost not and Type 2 diabetes is characterized by the cells not respond to insulin or pancreas not produce enough insulin to manage glucose levels.
It is important for diabetic before beginning an exercise program to consult with a doctor. For people with diabetes, do not miss the food well, especially if it will exercise.
Many functions of insulin in the body, but there are four main functions of insulin, especially when exercising or after exercising:
1. Keep of glucose release from the liver
2. Stimulation of glucose uptake into most cells of the body
3. Inhibition of the discharge of fatty acids from storage depots
4. Facilitation of protein synthesis in the body.
The decrease in blood insulin during exercise good common people who do not have diabetes or people with type 2 diabetes is possible from carbohydrates and fats, which in the mobilization and use by muscle.
Glucose body will process more quickly because the exercise we do and this will cause a decrease in blood sugar levels in the body.
The question is, whether the Diabetes Exercise fits in controlling diabetes?
1. Aerobic.
Aerobic exercise can increase heart rate and respiratory. With aerobic, people can breathe more easily and also makes the heart try harder. This exercise can be done at least 30 minutes per day and 5 days in 1 week.
Some examples of aerobic exercises that we can do them good brisk walk in the street or on a treadmill, swimming, dance classes, cycling and jogging.
2. Strength training.
Strength training can be done several times a week with the aim to strengthen the muscles and bones. This can be done by you can join the fitness center for weight training with the guidance of a trained instructor or you can practice at home with a light weight training.
3. Flexibility exercises
Flexibility exercises or stretching joints can be done to help reduce injury during our training.
Mild stretch between 10 to 15 minutes, it's good for our bodies as a warm-up before doing other exercises.
- Move throughout the day.
Be energetic, will assist your body in burning calories. Some things we can do is:
· When traveling in the distance is not too far, try walking, leave our car once.
· Take time to gardening, as a light exercise at home.
· Try to go up or down stairs, do not use the elevator.
· We went to the market, try to park our car a few hundred meters before, and walk to the market.
If you have diabetes either type 1 or type 2, this exercise is necessary. For people with diabetes, must exercise the right plan. In non-medical, exercise potential in controlling diabetes, which can reduce the severity and reduces risk in the long run.
For people with type 2 diabetes, exercise is very helpful in insulin sensitivity.
For people with blood vessel problems, blood pressure and eye problems, be careful with exercises that use heavy burden.
Diabetes Exercise can help control glucose metabolism and reduce body fat when accompanied by good nutrition.
Good nutrition and exercise can be beneficial in controlling diabetes. Exercise can improve fitness that can help prolong life because the quality of life that continues to increase month after month.
Now we know that exercise such as aerobics can improve insulin sensitivity and when balanced with proper nutrition can help restore normal glucose metabolism by reducing body fat.
Avoid exercising in very hot weather to prevent dehydration; we can drink a cup of cold water before and after exercise.
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