By Tjahyo Sukmono
Normal range blood sugar will be different one by one, depend on how much physical activity, what you have eaten and how long it has been as you have eaten.
For person without diabetes, blood sugar levels should be among 70 mg/dl to 100 mg/dl on an empty stomach. On the other hand, you still not measured a diabetic until blood sugar levels next during the night fasting are above 126mg/dl.
For example that your blood sugar level after an all night fast or an empty stomach about 115 mg/dl. You might assume that you’ve diabetes - as it is over the high range or “normal’ – but you don’t.
Fairly you have what named pre-diabetes or IFG (Impaired Fasting Glucose) and occasionally known as IGT (Impaired Glucose Tolerance).
Pre-diabetes is a condition that your normal range blood sugar is higher than should be about 70 mg/dl to 100 mg/dl but not yet high enough to be allowing for as diabetic. This is indicated that you still have chance that your blood sugar level can turn around.
When you diagnosed pre-diabetes, you are really a step ahead of many who previously live with diabetes and of course this conditions gives you a chance to try to lessen your risk of diabetes and completely reduce the risk.
You will first want to talk about with your doctor a plan of acts, like exercises plan, diets or home blood sugar tester. With those actions plan, your goal is to reduce the foods that are causing higher than normal range blood sugar in your system.
You are step ahead of relax by starting on exercising on regular base and diabetic diet right now. You can determine what foods and what activity are causing high a low blood sugar level by supervise your blood sugar levels on a daily base.
Lessen the activities and foods that increase your blood sugar.
You can note the activity and foods that lower your blood sugar, because you might need these in the future when your blood sugar levels lift up. Knowing this allows you to obviously lower your blood sugar and take control of your condition to better.
We know that normal range blood sugar levels will different one by one, it depend on what we eat, how long it has been as we have eaten, our age, and how much physical activity we are participating in.
This fact must to understand you as a diabetic and your doctor, because this is one of the main reasons you should record your activities, your food intake and your sugar levels.
You will quickly learn what your normal blood sugar range is and what you require to do to stay it there.
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