Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blood Sugar Control - Can be done through food?

By Tjahyo Sukmono

We often hear the blood sugar? But what is meant by that blood sugar? High blood sugar is often defined as an increase in the level of glucose in the blood sugar, which can cause diabetes (glucosuria).

Blood sugar control, food can be done? There are several types of food can raise our blood sugar, but there are also some foods that can lower our blood sugar levels.

Some of these tips can help improve blood sugar control, so if we do can reduce the risk of diabetes.

· Eat the right foods and healthy. Avoid some fatty foods, otherwise multiply food fruits and vegetables that are loaded with fiber is good for the body.

· In the daily meals, than we eat three times in large portions, we'd better eat four or five times but in small portions to keep watching what we eat. This will affect our body's metabolism in digesting food, fat and protein solution in the body. All that can help improve our blood sugar control.

· Exercise is one way that can be done to improve blood sugar control. Sports adjusted to the conditions of our bodies, especially if you have any symptoms of diabetes or already convicted. The key is to do with the right portion.

· We know, so refreshing soft drink. But we know that actually in many soft drinks contain sugar that is high enough? Each 12-ounce soft drink equals 11 teaspoons of sugar. Therefore, avoid the consumption of soft drinks in large quantities in order our blood sugar control could be better.

· Several types of medicines can trigger blood sugar improvement. Therefore, if we need medication, careful carefully, whether the drug can cause our blood sugar increases. If necessary, consult with your doctor.

· If our blood sugar is high, we must find out why our blood sugar increases. Stress could be one reason our blood sugar increases. If that happens, then you need to change your lifestyle, your life pattern.

From the little information and tips, some things we can summarize is to avoid foods that contain lots of carbohydrates, because carbohydrates are converted into glucose which ultimately increases our blood sugar levels. Eat a small intake of carbohydrate content, such as fruits and vegetables, thus our blood sugar control, the better.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Things You Should Know About Recipes for Diabetics

By Tjahyo Sukmono

For people with diabetes, food becomes something that should really be noted. But with recipes for diabetics, you can plan all about what foods to eat without fear and when the right time snack.

With recipes for diabetics, you will get your favorite recipes. Some you can try in recipes for diabetics, such as cake and cookies recipes.

How much you need to change the recipes in diabetic recipes, especially for you as people with diabetes and who is in control weight?

In recipes for diabetes, foods such as corn, potatoes, and white flour products like fine noodles, pasta, should be reduced or avoided altogether. Food recipes with powdered sugar may not be suitable for diabetics. Avoid fat from animals, such as cheese, butter; instead use low-fat products or no fat.

The purpose of recipes for diabetes is to replace the sugar with a substitute, eliminate fat, except the olive oil, increasing fiber consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. For people with diabetes, the fish is a highly recommended food, because many contained therein DHA is good for health. For this type of vegetables, beans and legumes, and almost all kinds of good vegetables, like spinach, lettuce, celery.

Sugar Free in Recipes for Diabetics

We have a lot of foods that use the extra sugar, and this is not good for diabetics. To anticipate this, for people with diabetes can be replaced with a free sugar in recipes for diabetics. With recipes using sugar free foods you free with your favorite foods without worry with excess sugar. Some sugar substitutes on the market such as xylitol, aspartame and maltitol.

What we have learned about diabetes and what food is good and we must avoid, the diabetic food pyramid is one of the best approach in planning a healthy diet.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Diabetes Diagnosis: What’s next we do?

By Tjahyo Sukmono

Diabetics in the United States has reached 16 million more. Although diabetes is a serious disease, because it may mislead other complications of the disease, but still can be controlled.

Diabetes developed, so could threaten the endemic global health for a country, especially in developing countries and this may weaken the country economically.

If you are included in the risk of diabetes or pre-diabetes, you can get some tips to prevent it. Diabetes has the potential to increase the risk of heart disease and kidney failure. Some symptoms of diabetes are often thirsty, urinate a lot, quick weight loss and fatigue.

Maintaining ideal weight is one of the best ways to prevent diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, especially if your family have a history of diabetes.

For people in the early stages of diabetes is insulin resistance in the stage of the boundary identified blood sugar levels, diet and exercise can be done to prevent diabetes.

About one in three people with type 2 diabetes require insulin, and four to six people per 100 people with type 2 diabetes become dependent on dialysis treatment. The purpose of this treatment is to maintain blood pressure remains normal and keep blood sugar levels near normal.

Diabetes occurs because pancreas failed to produce enough insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. This is usually characterized by a very thirst and frequent urination. Watch out, because of diabetes, including serious illness, it is necessary to medical recommendations, especially if the sufferer is the children.

Natural Recommended

High fiber diet should be considered, because in addition to reducing the need for insulin the body will naturally also can reduce fat levels in the blood, thus reducing the risk of heart attack. Some high-fiber foods such as, spinach, cereals, almonds and baked beans.

Additional vitamins and minerals are also recommended by practitioners, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, Zinc, Manganese and Chromium. This is believed to avoid the complications associated with diabetes.

Traditionally, the herbalist, herbal medicine can also be used to suppress diabetes, such as garlic. Garlic is believed to help suppress the increase in blood sugar that can reduce the excessive production of urine in the kidneys.